Anyway, things should get kicking here again with MUBBS, I just finished a very HARD project (nothing to do with the BBS world) and now I'm back into MUBBS...
So here we go again!!!
The echo has been archived for 4/1 to 4/30, and I will upload it tonight to AOL and my BBS, incase you missed some messages. I will try to archive it once a month (actually I will make the mailer do it for me!)
All the modules are in for the contest, and judging has begun!
More stuff comming!!!
Date: 92-05-02 02:06:11 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: MUBBS Support BBS's
To: MUBBS Echo
The list of "official" MUBBS Support BBS's looks like this:
Space Sciences BBS (805) 259-6407 (14,400) West Coast
Nexus 6 (504) 522-6607 (38,400) Central USA
PAMUG (215) 635-0664 (14,400) East Coast
HMM BBS (508) 655-8927 ( 9600) East Coast
Please post this on other BBS's you call, or add them to any BBS lists you find.
Date: 92-05-07 06:16:28 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: Online meeting ??
To: MUBBS Echo
Every once and a while I would like to just go to one of the "normal" chat rooms and we can all chat a while about MUBBS and what's going on.
Please tell me (either on the echo or privately) what day/time you think would be OK.
I think TUESDAY EVENINGS about 7 PM PST (10 PM EST) would be a good time, but who knows....
Date: 92-05-09 00:47:32 EDT
From: Connie8791
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
sounds like a good time to me...
Date: 92-05-09 13:04:47 EDT
From: ISAN Barry
Subj: Re: Chat Rooms
To: MUBBS Echo
It would be nice, Tuesday Night 10 Eastern would be OK, but I'd be one of the quiet ones....
Date: 92-05-09 14:32:54 EDT
From: AFL MacDev
Subj: Re: Online meeting ??
To: MUBBS Echo
You are welcome to use the Mac Developer Forum (keyword: MDV) Conference Hall for that.
Chris Allen - AFL MacDev
Date: 92-05-09 22:01:35 EDT
From: Ken McKitt
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
Since I'm LD to the nearest AOL access, Saturday or Sunday, would be chepest for me. Also around 9PM EST would also be convenient.
Date: 92-05-10 01:08:28 EDT
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
OK by me
Date: 92-05-11 22:21:21 EDT
From: KevD
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
Tuesday at 7:00 P.m. PST works for me
Date: 92-05-16 06:49:02 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: the echo..
To: MUBBS Echo
I have been messing with the Echo software, so the Echo may get a bit sporatic for a while. (not sent every day)
Date: 92-05-16 07:12:30 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: New People...
To: MUBBS Echo
There are a few new people on the Echo, so I will post this again..
If you think you are going to "leave" AOL (screen name deleted), please tell me ahead of time so that the messages can be stopped.
The advantages of using E-Mail for a "Echo":
1. It's very low cost. Most online systems allow some sort of automatic mail read/send, and more are adding this feature. Most transfers take less than a minute! For example: If your system charges $5 per hour, and you set up to read/send EVERY day, it would cost less than 60 cents per week!
2. E-Mail comes directly to you, you don't have to spend time trying to find the "subject" you are interested in, while paying online charges. If you are using automatic read/send, then the mail is put directly on your computer for later viewing.
3. The Echo can be "ported" to other SYSTEMS and NETWORKS WORLDWIDE! This wil allow the Echo to be everywhere, while you only have to check into the system you like best.
4. If you don't want the echo, you just turn it off by sending a simple E-Mail message to the mailer, then when you are interested again, you just send another message and it turns on (you do miss all messages inbetween, it doesn't save them for you but they are all archived, see below).
What is a "Echo Daemon" ?
The Echo Daemon is a little "robot" that wakes up every night to see if it received any mail. If it does, it resends that mail to a mailing list, then goes back to sleep.
The Echo Daemon can have "functions" or "commands" to do certian things via a E-Mail sent command. Like it can send you a "help" file or other information files that you request, or add/delete your name from the mailing list by your command! (these features are planned but not yet implimented).
The word "Daemon" comes from UNIX (and InterNet) type systems, it means a sort of "background" program that performs a task when you are not looking.
How to use the E-Mail Echo Daemon via AOL:
It's very SIMPLE to receive the "MUBBS Echo" via E-Mail, just send "N Hawthorn" a message saying you want to receive the "Echo" !
Your name will be added to the list, and you should receive your first Echo Mail message shortly after.
To SEND out to the Echo (for all to read), just press the "Reply to Author" button to the left of any message that the Echo Daemon has sent to you.
DON'T PRESS "REPLY TO ALL"!! The Echo Daemon sends to "ALL" for you!
I recomend setting up FlashMail to automaticly log in and read/send your mail about every 3 days late at night OR you can just check in every once and a while by selecting "Activate FlashMail Now" (then it calls AOL and reads/sends the mail and hangs up quickly).
When you set up FlashMail to be automatic, you only type in your password ONCE and it does the rest NIGHTLY! You only have to go to your computer and read the mail thats come in, you don't even have to bother logging in!
The amount of messages verses the amount of time to transfer them (at 2400 baud) would be just about a minute in most cases, and that figures out to about 83 cents per MONTH! (every 3 days at $5 per hour).
I DO NOT recomend logging in MANUALLY, then getting your mail one at a time! FlashMail is very efficent and easy to use!
Preapare ALL your mail OFF LINE, this is the best way for saving $$.
You can set up a seperate account just to receive the Echo if you wish. On AOL you would then have to sign on SEPERATLY to get the mail on that account though.
You should "delete" any OLD messages about once every 6 months. The Echo will be AUTOMATICALLY ARCHIVED, and a text file will be uploaded to AOL and other systems every once and a while. So if you missed something, you can find it in a (compressed) archive.
There's NO CHARGE for being a part of the ECHO. You only pay STANDARD ONLINE charges for AOL access.
If you want to stop receiving the Echo, just write "N Hawthorn" again. This will eventually be handled by the mailer itsself.
Date: 92-05-17 21:46:58 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: Line 6 ????
To: MUBBS Echo
How would you like to log into MUBBS and get:
"Login, line 6" ??????
Well now you can!
I just uploaded the new serial module BETA TEST to the support BBS here.
All you have to do is buy as many CSI serial port cards as you want and plug them in, up the memory that MUBBS needs and you got it!
After finishing the new serial module, I took my Fx and plugged in one FOUR port card, increased the memory for MUBBS to 4 megs and ran my new code!!!
I logged in on LINE 6 !
(told you guys I would be back on this !)
BTW: I *wont* be uploading the beta to AOL, I am waiting for some info from CSI so I can do a proper carrier detect on the card ports, but it does work ok now, and the code for carrier detect is in, it's just that their docs are messed up somehow.
Date: 92-05-19 05:20:21 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: Announcement
To: MUBBS Echo
The new Serial & Sysop module is here!
Is your E-Mail file OVERFLOWING ??? (read on...)
The Serial module now handles the CSI Expansion cards (and other
compatable cards I would think) for up to 32 line operation!
It also has a few BUG fixes that improve it's use for testing (when you are doing programming like me), so you might want to get it even if you are only running one line.
The Sysop module allows you to delete the "marked as deleted" mail in your mail file (yes, it all stays there till you say delete!).
There are a few BUG fixes to the E-Mail modules, so you should get this file and upgrade ASAP.
There's also a "Cable Test" Application that helps test your cable for correct wiring for MUBBS (you would think this would stop those "I get Carrier Still Present" messages from people, but it won't!).
As always, file is available on the MAIN MUBBS Support BBS (here), it should show up on the other support BBS's soon, and I will upload it to AOL this week.
More is comming!
(the new module handles Carrier Detect just fine now)
Date: 92-05-22 03:09:23 EDT
From: HP Steve S
Subj: Supra user
To: MUBBS Echo
Hi - Any successful "Supra v32 bis" model modem users MUBBSing? I've tried a wide variety of modem strings, and haven't seen an OK reset message upon MUBBS startup yet. There are repeated attempts to hang up.
Steve Schulin (voice) 1-800-854-9052
P.S. -- I passed the "cable test application" with flying colors.
Date: 92-05-23 11:10:34 EDT
From: Scott001
Subj: Multi-Lines
To: MUBBS Echo
I just wanted to get your opinion on something.
I am thinking into the future, and had an idea.
Say someday I have like hundreds of megs of upload/download space, and even an online CD, and somehow have like 5-10 phone lines hooked into a bbs....
Welp, I would definately want to be collecting some sort of money for all this....
I have a subscription to boardwatch magazine - and I saw a thing that another bbs has - its a system where a user calls a "900" number or "976" number, and gets an access code number which lets the user have say 2 or whatever number of hours for a say 4-8 dollar charge on his phone bill.
After his time has run out, he simply calls the 900 number, and gets another access code for another say 2 hours of time - or more.
This doesnt seem like it would be very hard to implement for MUBBS. I would be MORE than happy to do it - but id like your IDEAS first... I dont remember how to 'address' the echo, so you can throw this onto the echo for me - id like everyones opinion on this idea.....
Using a 900 number is good, because most young people - and even some old dont even have a Credit Card, and alot of young people dont have a checking account, and mail order type of payment is SLOOOOWWWW.......
All a minor would require is his parents permission to make the call.........
It would be a 1-2 minute call to the 900 number, then boom - the user can call the bbs back and be registered for another 2+ hours of time.
Sound cool?
** Another Idea **
Since im talking about the future, and possibly having 5 lines....... The question comes up... how do I get 5 lines....
Welp, I came across a product that was in a small catalog that came in the mail a couple days ago.
Its called the "Multiport MP-91".
Three cables plug into your mac from it - one to the printer one to the modem, and one to the ADB port.
It makes available 6 SERIAL PORTS! and 5 ADB PORTS!
So that makes possible atleast 6 modems!
and if you can somehow get modems on the ADB ports - thats
Very impressive.
Even more impressive - the unit sells for only 249 in this catalog.
The only questions are - can it be talked to at high speed (38400-57600bps) for the High Speed modems - and how do we figure out how to interface with it?
Supposedly there is an INIT that interfaces with it - but thats no good for mubbs... it would have to be a new serial module that does the interfacing.
I dont know what the company name is, but I suggest people look into it, and find out all about it.
It would be really nice to have this available - KICKIN HERMES BUTT!!!!!
Date: 92-05-23 21:06:43 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: Re: Testing your Cable
To: MUBBS Echo
There's a method to the madness of checking your modem cable.
There are several ways you could determine if your cable is OK, but the modem tricks you because they "fake" carrier detect so that some terminal programs respond properly.
Here I try to explain one way to do a cable test using the "Cable Test" program I wrote for MUBBS.
You need to think about this a bit (this won't take 2 minutes and then you give up)....
In "Cable Test" 0 means NO CARRIER, so when you first turn your modem ON there should be NO CARRIER, HOWEVER..... most modems show a carrier with FACTORY settings! Then your STUPID (PC) terminal program thinks all is OK and goes on with its life (at least STUPID IBM terminal programs do)
SO..... when you turn your modem on with "factory" settings, it will show a "1".
What you are looking for is a "0" AFTER YOU SEND AT&C1 or some other command that tells the modem to send carrier detect out PROPERLY (reflecting carrier detect properly).
So, take a 9 Volt battery and connect it between pin 7 & 8 on your connector that goes to the modem (the DB-25), and then reverse POLARITY and see if the thing changes 0 to 1, it should if your cable is wired OK. (the cable comes from your MAC, then to your BATTERY, the modem is DISCONNECTED at this point).
Pin 7 is GROUND.
What you are doing is SIMULATING what the modem does.
As you reverse polarity (plus to minus) then the Mac should sense this and it should show up on the screen. This tells you that the cable Pin 8 is connected to the Mac OK.
If your cable is not correct, then you need to STRIP & TAPE & CHANGE your cable (or whatever fixes it, like get a new one for $5???).
A 9V battery does NOT have enough POWER to hurt your Mac's ports, so don't start whining about blowing up your Mac, I'm really tired of whimps saying they are going to blow something up (yes, if this was TV your Mac would smoke, catch fire and blow up your whole neiborhood).
Try that first. If you dont have wire to do this, GET SOME!
If the cable's OK, then your modem strings need to be tested out.
You will have to try all the standard stuff like AT&C1, AT&C0 or whatever. When you get the string correct, you will see a "0" appear (you have to start your terminal program, type in the commands, then exit it and start Cable Test. You can't run them at the same time).
Give it some BRAIN power, don't just think that you will do it in 1 second and then give up.
Date: 92-05-24 07:58:20 EDT
From: Mespn
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
Nate suggested that I pass this information along to the rest of you so you won't have to go through the same thing I did.
I all starts with using a Multitech 2400 baud external modem on MUBBS. This modem is supposed to be "Hayes Compatible"! Well if you want to use it at 1200 baud and less it is. It seems in there great wisdom Multitech changed the result code from 10 to 9 for 2400 baud. Not to worry so I thought. I would just send ATX4 to modem and all would be well. No such luck, it seems they forgot to tell folks that to do that they need the "E" model. It just so happened that I had one and now MUBBS is running and answering at 2400 baud. Thanks to Nate for shaking my brain to think!!!
Hope this wasn't boring. Thanks again Nate.
Date: 92-05-24 21:10:41 EDT
From: AFC SteveS
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
Most people that I know have blocked all 900 series calls from their phone due to some well publized $1000 phone bills. So while technically possible, many of the people will be ineligible from the start.
Date: 92-05-25 18:13:30 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: More modem cable stuff...
To: MUBBS Echo
Here's some additional text I added to the text file I am including with the next release of MUBBS Cable Test:
(if you missed the whole thing and want it again, let me know)
Use something like Red Ryder or ZTerm that don't mess with the modem when you QUIT the program. Watch your modem lights to see if your Terminal Program sends anything to the modem when you QUIT the program. Some of these "we cater to stupid users" type programs send a ATZ to the modem just before quitting!
Here's another problem I ran into:
I picked up a modem cable from the swapmeet for $5, when I checked it out it wasn't working correctly with the MODEM connected, but with the 9V battery everything showed good! I used my "good" cable to make sure I wasn't going crazy.
It ends up that Pin 8 was connected DIRECTLY to Pin 5 (another output that stays +10V on most modems). So when carrier detect (Pin 8) went -10V, Pin 5 forced a +10V on it and the circuit decided +6V was the winner. So when I connected to the modem, it was always +6V or +10V but never went -10V !
What does all this mean? Take a OHM METER *OR* a light bulb and a battery and check to see if any other pins are connected to Pin 8 !
Date: 92-05-25 21:01:50 EDT
From: N Hawthorn
Subj: Echo Info..
To: MUBBS Echo
There are some new people on the echo, we have 42 or so people receiving the echo currently.
I am posting this message again for people who are new to the echo (it will eventually be automated somehow).
About MUBBS Echo Mail:
Here on AOL we can now have a "MUBBS Echo" via E-Mail that will allow us to discuss MUBBS at a very low cost.
The following explains more about the Echo and how to get on it.
The advantages of using E-Mail for a "Echo":
1. It's very low cost. Most online systems allow some sort of automatic mail read/send, and more are adding this feature. Most transfers take less than a minute! For example: If your system charges $5 per hour, and you set up to read/send EVERY day, it would cost less than 60 cents per week!
2. E-Mail comes directly to you, you don't have to spend time trying to find the "subject" you are interested in, while paying online charges. If you are using automatic read/send, then the mail is put directly on your computer for later viewing.
3. The Echo can be "ported" to other SYSTEMS and NETWORKS WORLDWIDE! This wil allow the Echo to be everywhere, while you only have to check into the system you like best.
4. If you don't want the echo, you just turn it off by sending a simple E-Mail message to the mailer, then when you are interested again, you just send another message and it turns on (you do miss all messages inbetween, it doesn't save them for you but they are all archived, see below).
What is a "Echo Daemon" ?
The Echo Daemon is a little "robot" that wakes up every night to see if it received any mail. If it does, it resends that mail to a mailing list, then goes back to sleep.
The Echo Daemon can have "functions" or "commands" to do certian things via a E-Mail sent command. Like it can send you a "help" file or other information files that you request, or add/delete your name from the mailing list by your command! (these features are planned but not yet implimented).
The word "Daemon" comes from UNIX (and InterNet) type systems, it means a sort of "background" program that performs a task when you are not looking.
How to use the E-Mail Echo Daemon via AOL:
It's very SIMPLE to receive the "MUBBS Echo" via E-Mail, just send "N Hawthorn" a message saying you want to receive the "Echo" !
Your name will be added to the list, and you should receive your first Echo Mail message shortly after.
To SEND out to the Echo (for all to read), just press the "Reply to Author" button to the left of any message that the Echo Daemon has sent to you.
DON'T PRESS "REPLY TO ALL"!! The Echo Daemon sends to "ALL" for you!
I recomend setting up FlashMail to automaticly log in and read/send your mail about every 3 days late at night OR you can just check in every once and a while by selecting "Activate FlashMail Now" (then it calls AOL and reads/sends the mail and hangs up quickly).
When you set up FlashMail to be automatic, you only type in your password ONCE and it does the rest NIGHTLY! You only have to go to your computer and read the mail thats come in, you don't even have to bother logging in!
The amount of messages verses the amount of time to transfer them (at 2400 baud) would be just about a minute in most cases, and that figures out to about 83 cents per MONTH! (every 3 days at $5 per hour).
I DO NOT recomend logging in MANUALLY, then getting your mail one at a time! FlashMail is very efficent and easy to use!
Preapare ALL your mail OFF LINE, this is the best way for saving $$.
You can set up a seperate account just to receive the Echo if you wish. On AOL you would then have to sign on SEPERATLY to get the mail on that account though.
You should "delete" any OLD messages about once every 6 months. The Echo will be AUTOMATICALLY ARCHIVED, and a text file will be uploaded to AOL and other systems every once and a while. So if you missed something, you can find it in a (compressed) archive.
There's NO CHARGE for being a part of the ECHO. You only pay STANDARD ONLINE charges for AOL access.
If you want to stop receiving the Echo, just write "N Hawthorn" again. This will eventually be handled by the mailer itsself.
Deleted Screen Names:
If you think you are going to "leave" AOL (screen name deleted), please tell me ahead of time so that the messages can be stopped.
Whats in the FUTURE?
The future is always planned into anything with MUBBS!
Plans are to make the MUBBS Echo on AOL connect with a E-Mail Echo on InterNet (world wide!) and to connect with GEnie, MUBBS Net, FidoNet and whatever else sends E-Mail via a computer!
It would be worth it to find a LOCAL & FREE access site to InterNet! You CAN find them if you look. Most systems are listed, but some are "hole in the wall" types that can be found by getting on InterNet and asking people.
What "Mad Scientist" created this little Daemon ?
It was written by your favorite little "Mad MUBBS Programmer", N Hawthorn.
Sorry, this program will not be publicly available. (maybe?)
Date: 92-05-26 20:13:57 EDT
From: Chris G
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
Is anyone working on making MUBBS Tabby compatible?
Chris G.
Date: 92-05-26 20:37:42 EDT
From: AudioDave
Subj: Modules Needed
To: MUBBS Echo
Hi Gang! I need to ask a favor from those of you intelligent enough to use C and program (i am not)... I design and set up many BBSes on many different platforms (I am a MAC user by nature) and I have fallen in love with MUBBS and its potential and I am starting to recommend and set up quite a few MUBBS systems (mostly for private use) I currently have one the will be public soon.. It is a multiline Auto classified BBS MUBBS was one of the few programs that could handle the requirement for this BBS! At the request of the owner of this BBS he would like to ADD a database to search all of his text file for specific cars... Currently the BBS is just a multi-layered menu and then will do a text send for a specific make of automobile... He would like to have a database find in there so some one can look for a particular Make and model and optional year of a car. We are completely open to changing from a text format if need.. I need your suggestions. The owner is willing to pay (something) for the development of this database the rights will remain yours and you can release for use with MUBBS... If any of you are interested Please respond to AudioDave here on AOL or to David Graubard on The MUBBS support BBS. For anyone interested the number to the BBS is and it running 4 (thats right 4) lines.......
It is free to all as a matter of fact there is NO log on procedure you just dial up and you are in..
Date: 92-05-26 20:37:56 EDT
From: AudioDave
Subj: More modules
To: MUBBS Echo
As you all read in the previous letter I set up BBSes.. I know MUBBS is very new and these things will get done... But some I need now!!!! This is my little(large) list of things I would like to see for MUBBS...
1) Clean up the MAIL Module. I would like to be able to edit lines, type something like R to respond get the persons name in the header and get a re: xxxxxxx for the subject
How about a full screen editor for those with ANSI option .. speaking of ANSI I would love to colorize the Mail headers etc....
2) Clean up the DISCUSSIONS Module. The same kind of thins are needed as in mail how about a R choice that puts in the name of the post you just read and the subject.. Allow me (me being the Sysop) to colorize the headers. Threading maybe??
How about a scan of titles or a read backward (from the most resent) option?
3) Newscan How about allowing the option to actually read the new messages posted?
4) Implement ALIASES. I know I could just have them use Alias instead of the real name.. But as a sysop I want a record of there real name and number.
5) Security levels... I would like to lock new users out of some of the discussions and file bases but not all...maybe even the chat rooms.. or some of them....
6) USERSLIST... I need to have a users list, a list of the last 100 or so logons (or a list of the logons for the day).
7) QUESTIONNAIRES. How about a couple of questionnaires.. Let say one for the sysop for info .. a couple for general use that other users can browse to find out more.. maybe even a couple in conjunction with the discussion ( that would need to be completed before access is granted to the area) which could be seen when a user does the browse of another user.
These things would help Make it much easyer for me (and others) to implement MUBBS in a verity of applications... If anyone would like to discuss these further please respond to me AudioDave here on AOL....
Date: 92-05-26 21:45:45 EDT
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
I've had several experiences researching telecommunications services for business, and I can tell you that the major suppliers of 900 numbers (AT&T, MCI, Sprint, etc.) require a deposit of $15,000.00.
This amount of money precludes all but the most heavily capitalized business from procuring a 900 number.
Good luck on your BBS.
Clark Gabriel
Colorado Springs, CO
Date: 92-05-27 22:27:08 EDT
From: Biffnix
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
Attention SUPRA v.32bis modem users!
You might want to try the following string in your MUBBS setup:
This should work. If you have problems, PLEASE provide feedback to me on this echo. I'd really like to test this out thoroughly. Thanks in advance.
Date: 92-05-29 04:08:01 EDT
From: Ken McKitt
Subj: Re: Via Mailer Daemon
To: MUBBS Echo
I'm working on a EMSI Mailer for MUBBS that will be FidoNet compatible. I haven't gotten far enough to decide whether to make it work with Tabby or not. Right now I just have the Mailer written and not much else. Work is progressing very slowly. I'm adding ZModem recieve to the ZModem module right now.
The main problem with making it Tabby compatible is the way Tabby handles MultiFinder, which is not very well. Tabby and all it modules take up way too much processor time. Also Tabby uses an intermediate file format in the "Generic" file. This slows down message processing. Some really good IBM mailers handle mail up to 25 times faster than Tabby.
Date: 92-05-29 23:58:40 EDT
From: FrankM5934
Subj: More Modules
To: MUBBS Echo
cc: AudioDave
I seconds most of your requests. I am not a programmer either.
1. Security is the biggest reason I can't implement MUBBS in the situation that I need it right now. I am trying to set up a private, company BBS and need to tightly control access. Whereas MUBBS is very flexable, right now it just does not have the security features I need.
2. Also would like the ability to pass private files in addition to private mail - attach files to mail? This would greatly enhance the security requiremets for my purposes.